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Renovating your home for sale

kid painting

This is a guest post by REIQ.

You’ve decided to sell, and you know your home needs some sprucing up or you need to refresh a few things, but when you look around you really don’t know how to prioritise the jobs or what will get the most bang for renovation buck.

This is a common problem, but the solution is not too difficult.

You need to focus on those elements that will catch the eye of the buyer and help them fall in love and make the decision to buy.

Don’t waste time or money on those things that won’t matter…


7 things to consider before buying your next property

Couple Laying on Rug

Your current home is nice, but you need to move as it really just doesn’t meet your needs any more.

Sound familiar?

The next step of course is to start looking around for a new home.

But there is much more to consider than just where you’ll move to.

So, before you visit you may want to consider the following:

1. What is it about your current home that isn’t suitable anymore?

Understanding why you want to move is a great start to finding a new place that will meet your needs.

Is your current home too small – do you need an extra bedroom?…


A boost to get you into your new home sooner


The Queensland government has boosted the First Home Owners’ Grant (formerly known as the Great Start Grant) by $5,000, giving a one-off payment of $20,000 to all those who move into their first new home.

This boost kicked off on July 1, 2023 and will expire on June 30, 2017.

The grant explained

The Queensland First Home Owners’ Grant allows those buying or building a new home access to a lump sum, one-off, payment from the State Government.

This means if you (and your partner) are buying your very first home, either off-the-plan or building it yourself, you are entitled to the payment.

This is a generous incentive to…


6 Reasons you may want to refinance your home loan

Refinancing Home Loan

Thinking about refinancing your home loan but are unsure whether you should?

People refinance their home loan for a variety of reasons.

Whether it’s to lower their repayments, pay off their home sooner, or to finance an extension. Whatever the reason, it’s worth taking a closer look at your current loan and whether a different home lender may offer a product more suited to you and your lifestyle.

Here are six reasons you may want to refinance:

  • Obtain a cheaper interest rate
  • Shorten the term of your loan
  • Gain access to new home loan features
  • Switch…


How to research your new home loan


Are you looking to refinance?

Or perhaps you are looking for the very best first home loan you can get.

Either way, this guide will walk you through what it takes to find the best home loan for you.

In a previous article on refinancing your home loan, we mentioned researching your home loan as one of the five steps involved in refinancing.

With this article we want to show you how you can research home loans to find one that is right for you.

The first thing you will want to do is to find out what’s out there.

There are a few easy ways to do this: