Christmas Club account
The Christmas Club account lets you make regular, scheduled deposits to save for your Christmas expenses, and your access is restricted to encourage you not to touch the money. It’s a convenient way to put money aside throughout the year to prepare for the festive season.
- No monthly service fee
- Earn interest on your savings
- Unlimited deposits
- Unlimited free withdrawals from 1 November to 31 December each calendar year
- No card access to encourage you not touch your money, but funds are accessible if you do need them ($1.50 withdrawal fee applies outside free withdrawal period)
- Able to set up a savings plan
- Elect to receive statements electronically, access them anytime
Note: Fees apply to withdrawals outside the free withdrawal period.
Please be aware that interest rates may change at any time without agreement. All interest rates quoted are per annum. Fees and charges are payable. Terms and conditions apply and are available on request.
Before acquiring this product, the information above should be read in conjunction with the following documents to determine if it is right for you: Personal Savings and Transaction Accounts, Fees and Charges, Financial Services Guide, Deposit Accounts Conditions of Use, Deposit Interest Rates, and Account and Access Facility Conditions of Use.