Visa Credit Card
With a Visa Credit Card you get everything you could want from a credit card – a low interest rate, up to 55 days interest free, and a rewards program you’ll actually use.
- Up to 55 days interest free
- Low interest rate
- Low annual fee
- Opt-in for a Rewarder program that accumulates points for ever dollar you spend, then allows you to redeem those points at any EFTPOS terminal in Australia
- Limited edition Cowboys design available
- Additional cardholders for free
- Visa payWave
- Exclusive offers and pre-sale tickets through Visa Entertainment
- Security and peace of mind under the Visa Zero Liability protection
- Access to over 1.4 million ATMs and 29 million merchants in 170 countries
Annual fee
Plus – $58 (optional Rewarder program)
No interest free period applies on cash advances. Normal lending criteria applies to credit cards. Members must be 18 years or over, permanent residents of Australia and currently live in Australia. Additional card holders must be 16 years or over.
Please be aware that variable interest rates may change at any time without agreement. All interest rates quoted are per annum. Fees and charges are payable. Normal lending criteria, terms and conditions apply and are available on request. Before acquiring this product, the information above should be read in conjunction with the following documents to determine if this product is right for you: Credit Card, Fees and Charges, Account and Access Facility Conditions of Use, and Loan Interest Rates.