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Business Basic account

The Business Basic account is designed for those businesses that have low transaction requirements, and want to manage funds by separating your accounts. It has no monthly service fee and two included transaction fees, so you basically pay for what you use.


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Note: Interest calculated monthly, paid annually. Visa Debit cards or rediCARDs can only be issued on accounts where method of operation is anyone to sign. Visa Debit cards and rediCARDs can only be issued in the personal names for authorised card holders.

Tax File Number

Interest earned on all savings accounts must be declared for income tax purposes. If you do not provide us with your Tax File Number or Tax File Number Exemption or Australian Business Number (ABN), we must deduct tax at the highest personal income tax rate plus the Medicare Levy from your interest earned. You are not obliged to provide your Tax File Number or Tax File Number Exemption or ABN.

Business Definition

A business is defined as a body corporate or person involved in a commercial activity including a company, partnership or sole trader with an ABN, incorporated association or co-operative.

Important Information

If you wish to have both business and personal accounts with Queenslanders, these will need to be opened and operated separately. 

Please be aware that interest rates may change at any time without agreement. All interest rates quoted are per annum. Fees and charges are payable. Normal lending criteria, terms and conditions apply and are available on request.

Before acquiring this product, the information above should be read in conjunction with the following documents to determine if it is right for you: Business BankingFees and ChargesFinancial Services GuideBusiness Interest Rates, and Account and Access Facility Conditions of Use

Interest Rate


 Current Rate

$5,000 plus 0.01% p.a.
$0 – $4,999 0.00% p.a.


Rates effective 1 August 2018.