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Use your Cash Passport to WIN

Fancy the chance to score a major prize of $10,000 or a weekly prize of $1,000?

Simply use your Cash Passport between 1 June and 31 August 2023 and you’ll be automatically entered in the draw*.

Entry is open to all Australian residents who purchase a new Cash Passport, reload an existing Cash Passport, or make an international transaction on a Cash Passport.

Find out more at

What is Cash Passport?

It’s a pre-paid travel money card that allows you to load multiple currencies and lock in an exchange rate.# It’s a safe and convenient way to take your money overseas and access it from retailers online and around the world, and fee-free from ATMs.^

Cards are issued instantly over the counter at your local Queenslanders Credit Union branch and can be used within 2 hours of purchase.

*Terms and Conditions apply and are available at

#“Lock in your rate” means that the prevailing exchange rate is locked in for the initial load value only. Subsequent card reloads will be processed at the then prevailing exchange rate on the day of the reload transaction, and will be locked in at that rate.

^Some ATM operators may charge their own fee or set their own limits.

Access Prepaid Australia Pty Ltd (ABN 47 145 452 044, AFSL 386 837) arranges for the issue of the Cash Passport in conjunction with the issuer, Heritage Bank Limited (ABN 32 087 652 024, AFSL/ACL 240 984). You should consider the Product Disclosure Statement for the relevant Cash Passport available at before deciding to acquire the product. Any advice does not take into account your personal needs, financial circumstances or objectives and you should consider if it is appropriate for you. MasterCard® and the MasterCard Brand Mark are registered trademarks of MasterCard International Incorporated.