Archived News

Changes to account fees commence 1 September

Date: 2/09/2023


When member feedback started to reveal a growing level of dissatisfaction with our fees and charges – we knew it was time to get about fixing what many members perceived as "inequities" within the pricing of the Credit Union’s transaction services.

So after many months of research and modelling of numerous pricing options, the Credit Union’s Board and management decided on a two-pronged approach to the issue of transactional services pricing.

Commencing 1 September, members will have a choice between participating in a loyalty-based rebate program or switching to a basic account covered by a ‘flat fee’.

In summary, the new program of fees and charges has sought to ensure: loyalty is rewarded; our existing member relationships are strengthened; and our services remain market competitive.


Members wanting to learn more about the savings offered under the new loyalty-based rebate program should view our lates Fees & Charges and Transaction Limits brochure online, via the Quick Links section. Alternatively, members are welcome to phone our Fee Advisory Service on 1800 177 278.

If you believe the Queenslanders Basic Account best suits your needs, then please visit your local Queenslanders branch or phone 1800 753 377 to arrange for your account/s to be switched.

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