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Happy Christmas shopping means taking care online and mobile

With Christmas on the horizon, Abacus Australian Mutuals has outlined some simple steps to follow to make online and mobile shopping safe for Australian consumers.

The industry body for Australia’s customer owned banking institutions today acknowledged the rising popularity of online shopping but warned consumers to exercise caution to avoid becoming a victim of online fraud.

“Christmas shopping online can be convenient, easy and lead to terrific bargains for Australians looking for the best deal,” Abacus Senior Manager Fraud and Financial Crimes Leanne Vale said.

“But when shopping online it’s important to protect personal information so you don’t become another victim of online criminals who will spoil your Christmas holidays.”

“The best advice when shopping online is to make sure you know the seller is legitimate, you are confident in the product being purchased and that your credit card details will be protected.”

Other things to consider when shopping online include:

“It’s particularly important to ensure shopping using your mobile phone or other digital devices is safe,” Ms Vale said.

“Consumers using digital technology to call, bank or shop should ensure these devices are just as protected as any desktop computer.”

To find out more about staying safe online visit