To apply for a loan, savings account or investment account with Queenslanders you must become a member. Membership simply means that you are entitled to voting rights at our Annual General Meeting and you become an owner of Queenslanders Credit Union.
You will need on or more of the following forms to become a member of Queenslanders Credit Union.
If you need assistance completing them, please call the following numbers during office hours:
(07) 3218 7200 / 1800 177 278 (outside Brisbane)
Application for Membership and Share – Persons
Application for Membership and Share – Company
Application for Membership and Share – Association
ID Certification
Declaration – Identification by Parent
Application for Account / Access Facility
Authority to Operate Account
Before applying for Membership, you should visit this page.
Once you have completed your forms and accompanying information, mail them to:
Queenslanders Credit Union
GPO Box 2219
Brisbane QLD 4001
(Please note: These documents are Portable Document Files (PDF’s) and will require a copy of Adobe® Acrobat® Reader™ to view. If you do not have this, click here to visit the Adobe® website and download your FREE copy).