<%@LANGUAGE=VBScript%> <%Option Explicit%> <%Response.Buffer = true%> Queenslander Credit Union
Win Your Favourite Thing


Over the next two months BPAY ® is giving away $10,000 every three weeks and every bill you pay is another chance to win. All you have to do is use your Queenslanders account to pay a bill with BPAY before 2 July 2023 and you could win your favourite thing.

If it’s unreal, unconventional, unexpected or unbelievable, and it’s worth $10,000, BPAY want you to have it. Just use your Queenslanders account to pay a bill today with BPAY and start thinking of your favourite thing.

For information talk to us, call 07 3218 7200 and for terms and condition please click here.