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Start Saving For Next Christmas Now


Post-Christmas Bills

Christmas is a fun and happy time of year for so many people, but there is also the darker side to Christmas and New Year which many don’t think about until late January or early February – the post-Christmas bills!

All those extra purchases you didn’t budget for and the over-use of your credit card will be showing themselves sooner than you think, and your budget may get very tight in about a month as you try and repay those Christmas and New Year purchases.

What if I told you there is an easy way to have more than enough money for next Christmas without all the worry about the post-Xmas bills.

Well there is, and it is called a Christmas Club Account

What Is A Christmas Club Account?

It’s like a regular savings account but it operates under a “restricted access” status to ensure your savings keep growing and that you have the money at the end of the year when you need it.

You nominate how much you want to put aside each week and we automatically deduct it from your nominated account and place it in your Christmas Club Account for you – you will never miss it!

Even as little as $10 a week would net you $520 plus interest at year’s end.

The best thing is you can use the money for whatever purpose you wish. You could use it to pay for the Christmas groceries, for a trip away somewhere, for Christmas gifts, whatever you want!

So what are you waiting for? Get a Christmas Club Account today and have one less headache at the start of 2013!

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Posted in Living Costs, Saving Ideas

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