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How to stop worrying about money and go outside and play in 3 easy steps


Woman in field enjoying life

Instead of worrying about money or trying to strike it rich with a big lotto win, you should be a little focused getting back to basics. Here is a 3-step alternative to writing up budgets and gambling with your money. Follow these 3 small steps to get yourself onto the path of prosperity:

Step 1 – pay down debts

Start paying down any bad debts (that is, any debt other than your mortgage) any way you can.

Step 2 – open a new account

Open up a high-interest online account and then set up an automatic direct debit from your regular account to this new savings account. Any amount will do as you can always add to it later on.

Step 3 – stop worrying

If you are saving 20% of your take-home money in the step above, then stop worrying about finances for a while and get outside and play.

Or, if you are not saving 20% in step 2 above, then figure out where you can either decrease your spending or increase your income to get to reach that amount. Then, once you reach it, go outside and play.

That’s all you need to worry about for now.

Do you worry about money?

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