Don’t think it is possible? Let us know in the comments below. I was looking at my budget yesterday and started thinking about how much I could strip away and how I could live cheaper. This was done from the…
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Don’t think it is possible? Let us know in the comments below. I was looking at my budget yesterday and started thinking about how much I could strip away and how I could live cheaper. This was done from the…
How much is enough? I have recently asked myself this very question. And I am not sure of the answer. I don’t think I have ever really over-consumed, but in this modern day we are all consumers of one sort…
A couple looking to retire comfortably now needs $55,213 a year according to the ASFA (the peak body for Australia’s superannuation industry). Those seeking to live modestly will need $31,760 per year. A modest lifestyle is defined as only being…
Worrying about money is one of the biggest sources of stress for a lot of people, especially at this post-Christmas time of year. But there are several ways you can start to reduce money-related stress in your life: Get educated…
We talk a lot on Personal Money about cutting costs and saving money, and one of the reasons we do this is so that you can start paying down your debt and making a better life for yourself. But what…