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Automate your savings to save more

Australian cash

Imagine being able to save without doing anything?

Automating your savings is THE best thing you can do, as it allows you “set and forget” your money so you can save while focusing on the more important things in life.

It’s easy to save

The easiest way to automate your savings is through your internet or mobile banking.

Simply open an online savings account that will earn you a high rate…


Pay yourself first and save

Close up of an Australian $50 note

Imagine being able to easily save as much money as you would like, each and every week. Well, you can by following a simple trick. The “trick” is called Pay Yourself First. Paying yourself first simply means putting yourself ahead of anyone else.

The wrong way to save

Usually when people save they put away anything that is left over after they pay all their bills and other necessities and wants. While this is a common occurrence, it is totally the wrong thing to do!

Change your mindset

You need to be treating…


2 Easy ways to take advantage of low interest rates

Low interest rates in scrabble tiles

There is no doubt about it, we are living through record low interest rates here in Australia.

And while low interest rates aren’t great for savings, they are great for anyone with a mortgage.

If you have a home loan, one thing you should be doing is taking advantage of these low interest rates while they are here, because, as with everything, they won’t be around forever.

So, what can you do to take advantage of these…


Getting the raise you deserve

Asking for a raise is not something everyone feel comfortable doing, but sometimes it is well worth biting the bullet and just asking.

After all, if you are good at your job and have been with your current employer for a while, it might be time to ask for more money. But there is the right way and wrong way to ask for a raise.

Below are 7 things to consider before jumping in:

  • List your achievements This is something everyone can do but most don’t. Keep a simple list of your…


Do you know what’s on your credit report?

Do you know what your credit report says about you?

Before we answer that question, let’s back up for a moment and see what a Credit Report is exactly.

Credit report

Almost everyone uses credit, sometimes without thinking about it. If you have ever had a mobile phone contract, increased your credit card limit, or applied for a loan, that information will be on your credit report.

A great way to manage that credit is to know exactly what you currently have, and what you applied for in the past. That is where a credit report comes in.
