We all want to lower our electricity bill, but it isn’t always clear how we can achieve it. Here are 11 ways you can save BIG money on your electricity bills throughout the year.
1. Lights off
This will add up over the year and there is really no reason you need to leave the light on in a room when no one is in it.
2. Re-think using your heater / air-con
Do you really need to turn on your heater or air-con, or can you find another way to stay comfortable? Rugging up and putting on extra layers are great ways to keep warm, while open up the windows and doors to encourage airflow is a good way to keep cool.
3. Stand-by is your enemy
Turn off all appliances that you are not using. Over a 12 month period you can decrease your electricity bill by quite a bit by making sure your appliances are turned off at the wall.
4. Replace bulbs
If you haven’t already, replace your bulbs with energy efficient ones. This can save you up to $240 annually.
5. Use natural lighting
Open those curtains and blinds up during the day. And re-arrange your furniture so you can capture the most light where you need it.
6. Hang your clothes dry
Re-Think using your clothes dryer. This is one appliance that will cost you big! And use cold water to wash your clothes as well.
7. Know your peak times
Some electric companies have peak and off-peak times for electricity use. If you can use electricity during the off-peaks time you will save money.
8. Check for drafts
Look for any drafts you may have under doors and around windows, and either repair or replace faulty seals or use a snake or towel to stop those drafts.
9. Buy energy efficient products
Even if they cost a little bit more up-front, they will save you hundreds over their lifetime.
10. Think solar
If you own your own home this is a great way to save or even eliminate your power bills. Some electricity companies now allow you to pay it off over time.
11. Use your microwave
Microwaves can cook food three times faster and can use up to 70% less power than ovens.
While most of these ideas don’t sound like much day to day, over 12 months they all add up. Small changes in the way you live can make huge impacts in the money you pay out. Now it’s over to you – how do you save money on your electricity bill?
Comments (6)
Kirsten McCulloch:
Aug 24, 2023 at 11:09 PM
Here’s another one – change your old electric hot water system for a gas-boosted solar system, or at the very least, wrap it in an insulating blanket. Old water heaters can account for up to 1/3 of a family’s power bill!
Russell Allert:
Aug 27, 2023 at 09:36 AM
Thanks for your tip, Kirsten! Some great ideas there. ๐ Russ
Russell Allert:
Jan 23, 2024 at 10:05 AM
Thanks, Mike. That is a great tip. Russ
Jan 17, 2024 at 09:53 PM
I put in a cheap solar package which made a little bit of a difference (should have got more panels) but what really made a difference was changing all my globes to LED.
Mar 16, 2023 at 03:27 PM
you can use sky lights
Russell Allert:
Mar 18, 2023 at 09:40 AM
Very true, Alice. A great idea if you are renovating your home.
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