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180 bags of joy this Christmas

Queenslanders Credit Union joined forces with the Wesley Mission Queensland Red Bag Appeal for the second year running to bring Red Bags of joy to those in need at Christmas.

The Red Bag Appeal is one of Queensland’s largest Christmas grocery drives, aiming to provide joy and hope to thousands of families who have hit hard times this festive season through the gift of a red bag full of groceries.

Queenslanders have been actively supporting the appeal during November and December, with branches taking donations.

“We are excited to announce that thanks to the donations of Queenslanders members, staff and supporters we have pooled 180 Red Bags of groceries for the 2017 Wesley Mission Red Bag Appeal,” said Brett Maunder, Executive Manager Sales and Marketing at Queenslanders.    

“This is a 40% jump in donations compared to last year – an excellent achievement by all involved.  Thank you to everyone for their amazing generosity,” said Brett

“We look forward to continuing our support of the outstanding work of Wesley Mission Queensland in our community,” he concluded.

Although Queenslanders have concluded accepting food for the appeal, donations can still be made to Wesley Mission Queensland via